Blogophilia 44.3 — IF ONLY IT WERE THAT SIMPLE . . . .

Blogophilia 44.3

Topic: “Take Two and Call Me in the Morning”

Bonus points:

(Hard, 2pts): Impart some pearls of wisdom
(Easy, 1pt): include the words “directions not included”



The New Year approaches
and it’s so very difficult to
even begin to imagine that
365 days will have come
and gone once again.

But in just a matter
of a few days they
will have done
exactly that,
each new day
having brought with it
a bit of adventure,
a bit of challenge,
a bit of laughter,
a bit of sadness,
a bit of everything.

And how nice it would be
if living each day were as
simple as ‘taking two [of anything]
and calling me in the morning.’

But it isn’t because
reality just isn’t like that.

While I would love to be able
to impart some pearls
of wisdom of my own,
in addition to the fact
that I do know that for
so much of what happens
from day to day,
the directions are
simply not included,

I’ll share someone else’s
wise words which are for me
a prescription for life
even more valuable than
two of anything I could take.

And these words certainly
do apply to me as I approach
the beginning of a new year
and wanting to see so many
things change in my life
and in the world around me.

And they are these:

“Changing the world begins with
the very personal process
of changing yourself;
the only place you can begin
is where you are,
and the only time you can begin
is always now.”

~ Gary Zukav ~

Wise words and pearls of wisdom,
ones that are going to be put
not only on my fridge but
right here at my computer
and in my car and in
several other places where
I’ll be sure to see them every day.

Lots of work to be done
in the New Year and I guess
it’s going to begin right here
with me and right where I am.

Wishing you peace and joy
and all the best there is in
the New Year to come.

(c) bak 12-28-10
barbara kausteklis









The following link will take you
to Blogophilia 44.3 and links
to the rest of the pieces
written to this week’s topic:

I look forward to reading all of them.

Thanks always for your visits and comments.




Dilemmas and struggles,
facts of life, I’d say,
so many things tend
to get in the way
of contentment
and happiness,
things that make
us feel good.
So what can I do,
what direction to take
when these roadblocks
of life simply get in the way
of what I want to do
on any given day?
I could throw up my hands,
scream and shout,
things not going my way
that’s easy to do
and quite easy to say.

But quite often for me
it takes an adjustment
rather small,
changing course
in small degrees,
not much at all,
letting some things go
that are getting me down,
diverting my attention,
getting away from it all,
taking a little vacation,
just a couple of days.
Often these small things
are just what it takes
to get me back on track
and renew my resolve.

And then again . . . .
sometimes these
are but temporary fixes
and something more drastic
must come to the mix
of things that make me feel better
and improve my day and my life.
When such is needed
I think long and hard
and weigh the goods
and the bads of what
it might take and then
if the goods outweigh
the bads a big leap I take
and never look back,
embracing my decision
with a smile on my face
and look to the future,
a much happier me.

(c) bak 12-28-10
barbara kausteklis

Thanks always for your visits and comments!






The simplest of gifts,
the ones money can’t buy,
the ones most precious
and cherished to me
are the smile on your face
as we pass by on the street;
that kind word or two,
such encouragement to me;
that pat on the back,
even at my age,
for a job well done
or at least getting there.
The small things
are big things,
such treasures to me.

The gift of this day
that’s in front of me
and all the other gifts
as I pass on my way
from now till tomorrow,
the sun in the sky,
the sweet birds that sing,
the flowers that bloom
all treasured gifts to me.

And I hold them all
close to my heart
and my sould
as I’m just passing
through this world that I love
for this time is so very much
one of the greatest gifts of all.
And to you I can offer
my simple gifts as well,
the gifts of friendship
and love and a smile
from my heart.

(c) bak 12-23-10
barbara kausteklis




My song of morning,
my song of day,
I can’t help but hear
its simple notes,
a melody line with
basic harmonies
greeting me as
as the day begins
and before the sun
has even had
a chance to shine.

And as this simple tune
takes on a life of its own,
and the melody begins
its morning dance
of colors bright,
in simple steps,
some words begin
to flow once more,
words that join
this morning song
and stay with me
once our morning
waltz is done.

And in the sometimes
chaos of a normal day
I recall those songs,
those simple melodies
first heard as night
met morning in a
simple tune,
in the moments
just before the dawn
when all was quiet,
no sounds at all
except that simple melody
that sang of colors
of the rainbow
and the birds
that greeted me with song.

And I smile once more
and sing that sing
from deep within my heart,
the very same song
I sometimes share,
the one I sing
to begin my day.

(c) bak12-19-10
barbara kausteklis

Thanks always for your visits and precious comments.




Time to wake up,
the snow is falling
on this frozen Saturday.
Grab gloves and jacket
boots, hat and scarf,
those special ones
Grandma knit for me.
No time to waste,
all bundled up
and heading out
the door to play.

And it’s already begun,
snowballs flying
from out of the blue.
SPLAT!” again,
as clear as day,
the sound of fun
on a winter’s day.

and wet
and ice,
who has time
to care?
Much better
things to do today.
Secure the fort,
take aim again,
snowballs flying

And as the raindrops
fall on this very gray day,
this child of winter
hears once more
the magical sound
that snowballs make
as they fly back and forth
on a snowy Saturday
when snowball fights
were what ruled the day.

“Splat”, the sound
of winters past,
another treasured
memory I keep
with others for
times like this
when I bring them out
to share once more.

(c) bak 12-18-10
barbara kausteklis

Thanks always for your visits and comments.
Treasures all!


On the Edge of Possible


On nights like this,
as the moon begins
her graceful ascent
toward tomorrow
and dawn’s first light,
I’m captivated by her magic,
transfixed and transported
to that place beyond myself
where dreams reside and
the gates are open wide
for the dreamer that is me.

And in this place
outside of me,
this place where
all things are possible
for dreamers like me,
I can do no less
than right every wrong;
and soothe every hurt;
and mend every broken heart;
and wipe away every tear.
I can do no less
than fix all the brokenness
I find along they way;
I can do no less than
make everything right
in a world where so much
seems so very wrong.

And on this night,
as the moon is bright,
I am once again
that child who dreams
those dreams that
are always possible
in a young child’s heart
and refusing
to give them up
just because I am
no longer a child.

(c) bak 12-14-10
barbara kausteklis

Thanks so much for your visits and comments.